Well dad its been nine years since you left us and i miss you so much. Love you june xxxxx
Another christmas and new year with out you love and miss you so much dad .june xxxx
still missing you always will. In my thoughts every day love Jean xxx
no card to give no gift to give just a kiss blown up to the sky catch it dad its just for you happy birthday. love and miss you so much xxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday Dad no doubt you will be having a we whiskey today don't get to drunk. You are in my thoughts everyday,love and miss you always. DONT WORRY BE HAPPY XXX
Hi dad a other xmas with out you.They time is a healer by god that's not true.Imiss you more that ever with each passing year xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Dad just listening to a Sinatra song,made me smile thinking of you singing along. Miss and love you every day xx
Hi dad just sending you lots of love miss you so much wish you were still here .Dear god catch this kiss and lay it on my dads cheek and tell him its from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Another year gone by Granda and people said it would get easier........ they lied, its still as hard as ever. I miss you so much and think about you every day. Love you, Lisa x x x x x x
hi dad thinking of you as always. Hope you are having a good time up in heaven with all your angel friends and family. Miss and love you every day. Don't worry be happy xxx
Hi dad was up to visit you on Monday, life here is normal mum is well and so are me and margaret.We miss you more and more each with each passing day.Love and miss you loads Dad xxxxxxx
Dad when nights are cold and stars are few, i close my eyes and think of you.a silent hope, a silent tear, a silent wish that you were here.love and miss youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In loving memory of my dear dad for ever in my heart.Love and miss you every day. Dont worry be happy xxx
In loving memory of my beloved husband who passed away 31 aug 2011.For ever in my heart malky your loving wife Jean.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
in loving memory of my dad who passed away on the 31st aug 2011. good byes are not for ever good byes are not the end.They simply mean I'll miss you untill we meet again.Love and miss you so much dad.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy fathers day to my wonderfull dad who walked through the gates of heaven on 31st aug 2011.miss you so much till we meet agian.june xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx